You can come back now

As of some date in May, my domain will switch off so get it into your heads now to come to scharrison.WORDPRESS.COM like some common street urchin. Why am I so cheap as to hoard an obnoxious $25 instead of keeping up appearances that I’m somebody who deserves her own domain? Simply put, I have several kettles on the fire. Some are boiling, some aren’t, and the boiling ones get the money. That isn’t to say that the SC persona isn’t boiling (never has, so boiling doesn’t exist for this kettle in the first place), it’s just to say that I’ve never wasted a dollar in my life and don’t intend on starting now. I would prefer this outlet to become more recreational than occupational, as I’ve found there’s no quicker way to kill joy than by attaching a fluctuating paycheck to it. Apart from these things, I’ve had a few questions I’ll address and then I’ll leave myself to it.

Firstly, yes, I am still working on Soren’s story, BURN. I would like to say that I know exactly what minute I’ll release it but that’s very impossible at the moment. Part of me doesn’t even want to release it because it opens the otherwise unnecessary second half of the Revive Series that I don’t currently have it in me to continue. I began this series five years ago with much grander aspirations than I’ve had the perseverance to realize, and while I hope sometime in my life to finally end the series like I’ve always seen fit, I honestly don’t see this happening in the next five years. Therefore, why even open that door until everything inside is ready? Really, I shouldn’t. I see that now. But I’m nothing if not a woman of my word and so I will release BURN this year. I’ll let you know when. If you finish it and want to know what happens next, I’ll tell you.

Secondly, do I have any other books in the pipeline? Yes, several. Are they forthcoming? Nope. I have finished with deadlines and self-imposed due dates and releasing five books in a year. I’m allowing my writing to follow its natural course. This is a luxury for me, and I revel in the time I have.

That being said, I do hope to become more active in a smaller, bloggier way. Writing remains my primary catharsis and it is in times of most limited time that time spent unproductively is most productive.

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